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Blog / 26 Sep 2019

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Climate: Time to Act


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Climate: Time to Act

Topic: Climate: Time to Act


  • Nitin Desai, Chairman, (The Energy and Resources Institute)
  • Shyamli Singh, (Asst. Professor, Centre for Environment and Climate Change, Indian Institute of Public Administration)
  • Sandip Sen, (Senior Journalist & Author)

Topic Description:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday gave a clarion call for a "global people's movement" to bring about a behavioral change to deal with climate change as he made a path-breaking pledge to more than double India's non-fossil fuel target to 450 gigawatts. It comes a day after Prime Minister Modi and US President Donald Trump shared the stage at a gala event in Houston on Sunday and displayed a close friendship and a common vision on fighting terrorism. But the US and India differ on the issue of climate change. Trump withdrew from the Paris climate deal in 2017 and blamed India and China for his decision, saying the agreement was unfair as it would have made the US pay for nations which benefited the most from the deal. Meanwhile, teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg had one question for the global leaders assembled at the United Nations: "How dare you?"

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Courtesy: RSTV